Monday, June 6, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The last edition of Janith Sue's poem . . .
Finally, our long awaited senior year arrived,
And 95 of us had ultimately survived!
I didn't make it into Mrs. Lackey's college prep English class according to my plan,
Oh no, some of us ended up with Coach Jones, the original multi-tasking man.
He issued us a challenge on that very first day:
"Get something published and you've earned your "A".
Well, Linda Bradley wrote a question to the Courier Journal that appreared in print,
And waving the paper triumphantly up to his desk she went.
She reckoned she'd met the standard just fine,
And would take her "A" for the course now if he didn't mind!
Opal Hanshaw and I and all the rest boys
Signed up for physics, one of life's little joys.
We learned all about mechanical and electrical energy,
But we often had trouble with all the male synergy.
One day after class we were discussing our demises,
Which often happened after one of Mr. Cheek's little quiz surprises.
We shared a secret, I've kept to this day
About which funeral home in town would put us away.
We decided then and there that upon our departure from this earth,
We didn't want Jim Young to see us in our suit of birth!
Government with Captain Hayes was THE most fun;
He teased us and quizzed us all one by one.
Remember how he teased all the guys about asking the girls out for a date
And, suggested that those who couldn't dance would never rate.
He made our prom days sound like the party of a lifetime, where the damsels were to be wined and dined,
Then he recommended corsages of wild onion and stink weed for those who fretted and whined.
He taught us about history and government 'tis true,
But he always wanted us to be aware of the socially right thing to do.
Every class period was filled with learning, be assured
But he taught us about life with humor, which more often endured.
Mrs. Jackson deserved at least a medal for producing our senior play
And for giving each of us an opportunity to be a "star" for a day!
I'm sure she had her doubts but stood by us all the way.
Mrs. White used her wisdom and talent to help us keep our memories on track,
By helping us produce the first ever, ad-free Scarlack!
It wouldn't be right, if I didn't include a word or two
About Principal Roaden, whose favorite line was "I will not tolerate uh huh and hun huh from any of you!"
He'd pace and he'd strut across the gym floor with his mike wire trailing behind
He was disciplined, no nonsense, believed in the rules, and was always firm, but kind.
Since I shared with you my lesson about my first kiss,
If I didn't tell you my prom lesson I would be remiss.
Mr. Hayes rallied us into such a fury with talk of the prom and how exciting it would be
That my best friend Shelby and her date decided to find an escort for me.
Next on the agenda was a dress, which we borrowed for the night;
It had tiny spaghetti straps and little black polka dots on a field of white.
The most perplexing problem we had to overcome was quite unique:
It was the total lack of my upper body physique,
And how I'd be able to support the strapless underwear
Or how I'd make it through the evening with nary a care.
Our incredibly simple solution to this little problem didn't teenage girls perplex,
Why we'd give me some shape by stuffing it with a box of Kleenex!
Need I tell you my horror when it came time
To pin that corsage on that fake chest of mine?
While everyone else was dancing and drinking the punch,
I was sitting there worried my Kleenex would bunch!
Bet you're wondering what lesson from this incident I could glean.
It was always to remember things may not be at all what they seem.
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Here it is the middle of May and we have 73 folks coming to our 50th class reunion. These are CONFIRMED. Cheryl Pauley and her husband will only be there on Friday and Willis Wheeler and his wife will only be there on Saturday.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
A Newspaper Article and 4 more folks . . .

A highlight of the 20-year reunion of the Louisa High School Class of 1961 was the presentation of a painting of the old building to the Lawrence County Public Library.
The painting was by local artist and former LHS band director Richard Wilson.
The festivities opened with an open house at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Lyon of Franklin Street, July 3.The classmates enjoyed this time of reminiscing after their many years of separation. On July 4th the class participated in the Independence Day parade.
A highlight of the reunion was a buffet dinner at Lawrence County High School on July 4. Master of ceremonies was Sam Lyon. The invocation was offered by Melvin Salyers and guest speaker for the event was former superintendent William A. Cheek.
The long-time educator recalled many humorous encounters with the class when they were students and shared with the group his rendition of the poem "The Touch of the Master's Hand." The class honored Mr. Cheek and Bascom Boyd, with engraved school bells as symbols of appreciation for the influence these two educators had on them.
Another highlight of the dinner was the presentation of an oil painting of Louisa High School to Mrs. Charlene O'Daniel representing the Public Library.
The presentation was in memory of Glenna Ruth O'Daniel Litton and James "Butch" Wellman who were members of the Class of 1961. The painting is on permanent display at the library.
The group honored the following returning classmates:
Changed the most-- Harold Butler and Sherry Workman Cottle
Most grey hair -- James Young;
Baldest -- Tom Burns
Twins -- Cheryl Paulery Henderson, Nancy Patton Lemaster,
Linda Bradley Boggs;
Youngest child -- Jessie Thompson Coffey;
Oldest child -- Karen Rose Chapman
Grandmother -- Betty York Pavlovski.
Changed the least -- Bobby Stansberry and Jane Wilson Salyers
Most children -- Betty York Pavlovski
Traveled farthest -- James Young and Clyde Adkins
Married the longest -- Karen Rose Chapman.
The class hosted several of their former teachers who attended:
Mrs. Katherine White, Mrs. Ruth Jackson, Mrs. Nola Chambers, Richard Wilson, Mrs. Louise Kingsmore, Mrs. Jaunita Keeton, Mrs. Beulah Moore and Mrs. Elizabeth Rice.
Classmates and spouses attending were:
Mr. and Mrs. Dan May (Linda Walters),
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frazier,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burns,
Mr. and Mrs. Mont Wheeler,
Mr and Mrs. James Boggs (Linda Bradley),
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lemaster,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyon,
Mrs. Judy Preece Parks,
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Lemaster (Nancy Patton),
Mr. and Mrs. George Hardin (Linda Wilson),
Fred Coffey,
Mr. and Mrs. Les Blevins (Linda Patton),
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burke (Linda Ferguson),
Mr. and Mrs. Les Nelson (Linda Nickell),
Mrs. Glenna Pfost Walker,
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Preece,
and Mrs. Barbara Phillips Bush, all of Louisa.
Other classmates included
Brad Wright, Blaine,
Mr and Mrs. Harold Butler, Frankfort,
Ernestine Moore Spillman, Frankfort,
Mr. and Mrs. Gobel Copley, Ashland,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jordan (Donna Holbrook), Ashland
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis (Freeda Blair), Flatwoods,
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Stansberry, Catlettsburg,
Mr. and Mrs. James Howard, Lowmansville,
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Whitt (Ruth Thornsberry), Grayson,
Mrs. Linda Roberts Dahlman, Lexington,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hardin, Rush,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coffey (Jesse Thompson), Louisville,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Short, Columbus, OH,
Mrs. Rhoda Preece Ross of Columbus, OH.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Adkins, Germany,
Mr. and Mrs. James Young, Germany,
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Virginia Beach, Va,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pavlovski (Betty York), Chesterland, OH,
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Chapman (Karen Rose), New Buffalo, Mi,
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Campbell (Violet Wright), Middlesport, OH,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthus Augenstein (Myrtle Workman), Marion, OH,
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cottle (Sherry Workman), Southgate, MI,
Mrs. Ceryl Pauley Henderson, Hancock, MD,
John Wright, Barboursville, WV,
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Albright (Nancy Moore), Levenworth, KA,
Fred Martin, Moncks Corner, SC,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Salyers (Jane Wilson), Lakeland, FL.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hammond, Maryville, OH,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Short (Ruth Thompson), Thornsville, OH,
Mr. and Mrs. David Bond (Vicki Cheek), Mesquite, TX.
Others in attendance were Mrs. William A. Cheek, Herb White, Jim Moore, Hugh Kingsmore, and Max Young.
Monday, April 25, 2011
The LHS Chorus of 1961

Friday, April 22, 2011

Today I've heard from Sherry Faye (Workman) and Melvin Salyers. That's four since they are bringing their respective spouses which brings us up to 49, I think. I know there's at least one or two more that have SAID they are coming. I wish they'd get their money in.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Janith Sue (now SUE)'s high school poem, part 3

Janith Sue at our 40th reunion (to the left).
Monday, April 18, 2011
Heard from Betty!

Received a telephone call from Betty Short (now Cummins) and she plans to come to the reunion. I had her sent two invitations, both to wrong addresses. Thank goodness she called. She'll be coming with her sister.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
(Janith) Sue's Sophomorific Poem . . . and news.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I know of six more . . .

Monday, March 28, 2011
This is just too cute . . .
Friday, March 25, 2011
Linda Rae's Foot . . .

Another picture of Cabwaylingo featuring Karen Rose (Chapman) and Linda Rae Ferguson (Burke).
Also, I received money from Linda Bradley (Boggs) and Herb Rice. That brings us up to 30. I found a Robert Jay Bryant in Springfield, OH (where he was from) at the right age and have sent an invitation . . . we'll see . . .
I also got another returned which tells me that Opal Mae Hanshaw Caudill DOES NOT get mail at P.O. Box 126, Commercial Point, OH, 43116.
Also Cheryl (Pauley) Henderson says there's an another place to stay in Louisa (other than the ones I listed in the invitation). It's at Creekside cabins about 6 miles north of Louisa around Fallsburg. Don't have a phone number.
Also, I received money from Linda Bradley (Boggs) and Herb Rice. That brings us up to 30. I found a Robert Jay Bryant in Springfield, OH (where he was from) at the right age and have sent an invitation . . . we'll see . . .
I also got another returned which tells me that Opal Mae Hanshaw Caudill DOES NOT get mail at P.O. Box 126, Commercial Point, OH, 43116.
Also Cheryl (Pauley) Henderson says there's an another place to stay in Louisa (other than the ones I listed in the invitation). It's at Creekside cabins about 6 miles north of Louisa around Fallsburg. Don't have a phone number.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wanda, Nancy Karen and Jessie Anne . . .

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
This one is priceless . . .
Saturday, March 19, 2011
One more . . .
Thursday, March 17, 2011
More! More! More!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Good News and Bad News . . .

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Heard from 3 more classmates!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Today's mail . . .

Got checks today from John Wright, Brad Wright, and Jack Harden . . . and a returned envelop addressed to Glenna Rucker in Louisa. Thanks to Karen Rose (Chapman) most of the addresses I DO have are correct.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Update on the Reunion . . .

Mike Wilson (Possom's son) recently uploaded old pictures of Louisa to his Facebook site. I thought you might enjoy this one of the court house way back when.
I received checks from Jean Diamond and Karen (and Dennis) Chapman and had mail RETURNED from Homer Jackson and Sandra Little today. Harold Gene Frazier is going to try and find the missing for me . . . as he did Shelby Jean Hughes Mead's address. I also have been in touch with Claudia Wilson.
The folks I totally have no clue about are Geraldine Adkins, Joan Adkins, Bob Bryant, Linda Lou Crabtree and Ernestine Moore. If any of you know ANYTHING about these folks, please let me know.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
It's begun . . .