The FIRST thing we need to do is start putting together a mailing list -- which will require help from all of you. See the comment box at the bottom of this post? That's where you can add comments or information . . . OR, if you're shy, email me at
I have SOME of your email addresses/mailing addresses and am
hoping the first of you who get the message about this blog will
share with others . . . and that we'll eventually get them all. I
especially want somebody to tell Clyde Adkins in Louisa about
this AND ditto Sammy Dick Lyon--wherever he is now--
(Huntington??, Louisa???).
The SECOND thing we need to do is determine the date we'd like to have our reunion.
Several other classes have scheduled their own reunions to coincide with the big, grand, everybody-who-ever-went-to-Louisa High School Reunion (as opposed to Lawrence County High School) which always occurs on a "middle" Saturday in June. This year it was on June 13th.
You needn't get your feelings hurt if you have never gotten an invitation to the everybody-who-ever-went-to-Louisa High School event because it's always been up to YOU to get your name on the mailing list. The committee that runs it is a hardworking group and I'm including their names and telephone numbers TO THE UPPER RIGHT--just in case you'd like to let them know you want to be added to the list. Unfortunately, they aren't communicating by the internet YET (as far as I know), so it's going to require a little effort on your part to be included. THIS everybody-who-ever-went-to-Louisa High School IS NOT THE CLASS OF '61 REUNION. Promise me you won't get confused.
The Class of '61 Reunion is it's own thing and we can start here and see where it goes.
In case you're wondering who I am . . . I used to be Vicki Sue Cheek.
This is a test, to make sure "comments" is working.